Extensions used for creating federated view of different years


See General Data Modeling for description of the general data modelling syntax.

Extensions described here are used by The mcr_combine_tables Module

Combining multiple sources and optional columns

Source can be an array of columns rather than one column.

The following block will define a column named ssa3. The tool will look for columns named either cnty_cd, or bene_county_cd, or ssa_county to map to the new ssa3 column. If neither of these three columns is found, a new column will be created and filled with NULL values.

Without optional: true, if an appropriate source column is not found, an exception will be raised.

- ssa3:
    optional: true
    description: Social Security Administration (SSA) three digit code for county
    reference: https://www.nber.org/research/data/ssa-federal-information-processing-series-fips-state-and-county-crosswalk
      - cnty_cd
      - bene_county_cd
      - ssa_county


Using exclude can exclude certain tables matching patern from teh federated view.

The following example creates a view by combining all tables matching either cms.mbsf_ab* or cms.mcr_bene_* pattern, but excluding the table named mbsf_ab_2015:

    type: view
      - cms.mbsf_ab*
      - cms.mcr_bene_*
      - mbsf_ab_2015


It is possible to define custom casts from one type to another. When tables to be combined into a single view have columns containing corresponding data but of different types, it is possible to cast all of them to the same type.

In the following example:

- dob:
    type: date
      "character varying": "public.parse_date({column_name})"
      numeric: "to_date(to_char({column_name}, '00000000'), 'YYYYMMDD')"
      *: {column_name}::DATE
  • If a source column is of type DATE, it will be left as is

  • If the source column is of numeric type, the code

    to_date(to_char({column_name}, '00000000'), 'YYYYMMDD')

    will be used to transform the source value

  • If the source column has type character varying, then the function public.parse_date will be called to transform the value

  • For all other types a simple PostgreSQL cast will be attempted