1#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
3cwlVersion: v1.1
4class: Workflow
7 SubworkflowFeatureRequirement: {}
8 StepInputExpressionRequirement: {}
12 api_key: string # API Key for the Census API
13 http_proxy:
14 type: string
15 default: ""
16 var_file: # YML File specifying the census variables
17 type: File
18 geometry: string # Census geometry to use
19 years: string # Years to download census for, written <min_year>:<max_year>
20 interpolate_years: string # Years to interpolate census over, written <min_year>:<max_year>
21 log: string # name of the main log file
22 state: string? # state fips code, if you want to download only a single state
23 county: string? # county fips code, if you want to download only a single county, requires state
24 density_vars: string[] # List of variables to calculate area density for
25 assemble_pkl: string # pkl file to store results of initial download
26 interpolate_pkl: string # pkl file to store object with interpolated data
27 density_interp_pkl: string # pkl file to store object with interpolated data and calculated densities
28 density_no_interp_pkl: string # pkl file to store object with uninterpolated data and calculated densities
29 interp_out: string # csv file to store output with interpolated data
30 interp_tablename: string # table name for interpolated data
31 interp_schema: string # File name for interpolated data schema (.yml)
32 no_interp_out: string #csv file to store uninterpolated data in
33 no_interp_tablename: string # table name for uninterpolated data
34 no_interp_schema: string # File name for uninterpolated data schema (.yml)
35 qc_file: File # YAML File specifying QC
36 interp_qc_log: string # Place to log QC for interpolated data
37 no_interp_qc_log: string # Place to log QC for uninterpolated data
38 database:
39 type: File
40 doc: Path to database connection file, usually database.ini
41 connection_name:
42 type: string
43 doc: The name of the section in the database.ini file
44 table:
45 type: string
48 assemble_pkl:
49 type: File
50 outputSource: assemble/pkl
51 log:
52 type: File
53 outputSource: make_log/log
54 interp_pkl:
55 type: File
56 outputSource: interpolate/pkl
57 density_no_interp_pkl:
58 type: File
59 outputSource: no_interp_density/pkl
60 density_interp_pkl:
61 type: File
62 outputSource: interp_density/pkl
63 interp_qc_log:
64 type: File
65 outputSource: interp_qc/qc_log
66 no_interp_qc_log:
67 type: File
68 outputSource: no_interp_qc/qc_log
69 interp_data:
70 type: File[]
71 outputSource: write_interp/data
72 interp_schema:
73 type: File
74 outputSource: write_interp/schema
75 no_interp_data:
76 type: File[]
77 outputSource: write_no_interp/data
78 no_interp_schema:
79 type: File
80 outputSource: write_no_interp/schema
81 ingest_log:
82 type: File
83 outputSource: ingest/log
84 index_log:
85 type: File
86 outputSource: index/log
87 vacuum_log:
88 type: File
89 outputSource: vacuum/log
90 ingest_errors:
91 type: File
92 outputSource: ingest/errors
93 index_errors:
94 type: File
95 outputSource: index/errors
96 vacuum_errors:
97 type: File
98 outputSource: vacuum/errors
101 make_log:
102 run:
103 class: CommandLineTool
104 baseCommand: touch
105 inputs:
106 log:
107 type: string
108 inputBinding:
109 position: 1
110 outputs:
111 log:
112 type: File
113 outputBinding:
114 glob: $(inputs.log)
115 in:
116 log: log
117 out: [log]
119 assemble: # Download and calculate census variables
120 run: census_assemble.cwl
121 in:
122 api_key: api_key
123 http_proxy: http_proxy
124 var_file: var_file
125 geometry: geometry
126 years: years
127 log: make_log/log
128 pkl_file: assemble_pkl
129 state: state
130 county: county
131 out: [pkl]
132 interpolate: # Interpolate data for missing years
133 run: census_interpolate.cwl
134 in:
135 interpolate: interpolate_years
136 log:
137 source: make_log/log
138 in_pkl:
139 source: assemble/pkl
140 out_pkl: interpolate_pkl
141 out: [pkl]
142 no_interp_density: # Calculate densities for uninterpolated data
143 run: census_density.cwl
144 in:
145 http_proxy: http_proxy
146 densities: density_vars
147 log: make_log/log
148 in_pkl: assemble/pkl
149 out_pkl: density_no_interp_pkl
150 out: [pkl]
151 interp_density: # Calculate densities for interpolated data
152 run: census_density.cwl
153 in:
154 http_proxy: http_proxy
155 densities: density_vars
156 log: make_log/log
157 in_pkl: interpolate/pkl
158 out_pkl: density_interp_pkl
159 out: [pkl]
160 no_interp_qc:
161 run: census_qc.cwl
162 in:
163 log: make_log/log
164 in_pkl: no_interp_density/pkl
165 qc_file: qc_file
166 qc_log: no_interp_qc_log
167 out: [qc_log]
168 interp_qc:
169 run: census_qc.cwl
170 in:
171 log: make_log/log
172 in_pkl: interp_density/pkl
173 qc_file: qc_file
174 qc_log: interp_qc_log
175 out: [qc_log]
176 write_interp:
177 run: census_write.cwl
178 in:
179 log: make_log/log
180 in_pkl: interp_density/pkl
181 out_file: interp_out
182 schema_name: interp_schema
183 table_name: interp_tablename
184 out: [data, schema]
185 write_no_interp:
186 run: census_write.cwl
187 in:
188 log: make_log/log
189 in_pkl: no_interp_density/pkl
190 out_file: no_interp_out
191 schema_name: no_interp_schema
192 table_name: no_interp_tablename
193 out: [data, schema]
194 ingest:
195 run: ingest.cwl
196 doc: Uploads data into the database
197 in:
198 registry: write_interp/schema
199 table: table
200 input: write_interp/data
201 database: database
202 connection_name: connection_name
203 domain:
204 valueFrom: "census"
205 out: [log, errors]
206 index:
207 run: index.cwl
208 in:
209 depends_on: ingest/log
210 registry: write_interp/schema
211 domain:
212 valueFrom: "census"
213 table: table
214 database: database
215 connection_name: connection_name
216 out: [log, errors]
217 vacuum:
218 run: vacuum.cwl
219 in:
220 depends_on: index/log
221 domain:
222 valueFrom: "census"
223 registry: write_interp/schema
224 table: table
225 database: database
226 connection_name: connection_name
227 out: [log, errors]