Dorieh Data Platform
What is Data Platform
Data Domains
Data Processing Pipelines
Python Packages
General purpose utilities
Data platform components
GIS utilities
Health data manipulation tools
EPA tools
Raster data tools (climate and exposure)
General tools for raster files
The display_netcdf Module
The prof Module
The config Module
Specialized tools for working with climate data
Specialized tools for working with exposure data
Census data manipulation tools
Data Modelling for Dorieh Data Platform
Data Platform Internals
Database Testing Framework
Adding more data
Executing containerized apps
Terms and Acronyms
Dorieh Data Platform
Python Packages Included in the Platform
Computational Utilities for working with raster data
The display_netcdf Module
View page source
The display_netcdf Module
Reads a NetCDF file (*.nc) and prints some information about it