Computational Utilities for working with Climate gridMET data
What is gridMET?
gridMET is a dataset of daily high-spatial resolution (~4-km, 1/24th degree) surface meteorological data covering the contiguous US from 1979-yesterday. The data are also known and cited as METDATA.
Executing pipelines from this package require a collection of shape files corresponding to geographies for which data is aggregated (for example, zip code areas or counties).
The data has to be placed in the following directory structure:
${year}/${geo_type: zip|county|etc.}/${shape:point|polygon}/
Which geography is used is defined by geography
argument that defaults
to “zip”. Only actually used geographies must have their shape files
for the years actually used.
Using command line gridMET utility
usage: python -m dorieh.rasters.launcher [-h] --variable
[{bi,erc,etr,fm100,fm1000,pet,pr,rmax,rmin,sph,srad,th,tmmn,tmmx,vpd,vs} ...]
[--strategy {default,all_touched,combined}]
[--destination DESTINATION] [--downloads DOWNLOADS]
[--geography GEOGRAPHY] [--shapes_dir SHAPES_DIR]
[--shapes [SHAPES [SHAPES ...]]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--years [YEARS [YEARS ...]], -y [YEARS [YEARS ...]]
Year or list of years to download. For example, the
following argument: `-y 1992:1995 1998 1999 2011
2015:2017` will produce the following list:
[1992,1993,1994,1995,1998,1999,2011,2015,2016,2017] ,
default: 1990:2020
--compress, -c Use gzip compression for the result, default: True
--variables {bi,erc,etr,fm100,fm1000,pet,pr,rmax,rmin,sph,srad,th,tmmn,tmmx,vpd,vs} [{bi,erc,etr,fm100,fm1000,pet,pr,rmax,rmin,sph,srad,th,tmmn,tmmx,vpd,vs} ...], --var {bi,erc,etr,fm100,fm1000,pet,pr,rmax,rmin,sph,srad,th,tmmn,tmmx,vpd,vs} [{bi,erc,etr,fm100,fm1000,pet,pr,rmax,rmin,sph,srad,th,tmmn,tmmx,vpd,vs} ...]
Gridmet bands or variables
--strategy {default,all_touched,combined,downscale}, -s {default,all_touched,combined,downscale}
Rasterization Strategy, default: default
Destination directory for the processed files,
default: data/processed
--raw_downloads RAW_DOWNLOADS
Directory for downloaded raw files, default:
--geography {zip,county,custom}
The type of geographic area over which we aggregate
data, default: zip
--shapes_dir SHAPES_DIR
Directory containing shape files for geographies.
Directory structure is expected to be:
.../${year}/${geo_type}/{point|polygon}/, default:
--shapes [{point,polygon} [{point,polygon} ...]]
Type of shapes to aggregate over, default: ['polygon']
--points POINTS Path to CSV file containing points, default:
Column names for coordinates, default:
Column names for metadata, default:
python -u -m dorieh.rasters.launcher --var tmmx -y 2001 --shapes_dir shapes/zip_shape_files --strategy downscale
The results can be then found in data/processed
Python modules
CWL pipelines and tools
- Pipeline to aggregate data from Climatology Lab
- Sub-workflow init_tables from gridmet.cwl
- CWL sub-workflow for step init_tables of workflow gridmet.cwl
- gridMET Pipeline
- Sub-workflow process from gridmet_dwnl_only.cwl
- CWL sub-workflow for step process of workflow gridmet_dwnl_only.cwl
- gridmet_dwnl_only.cwl
- Workflow to aggregate and ingest one gridMET file in NetCDF format
- gridmet_one_file.cwl
- gridmet.cwl