This module contains classes and enums used to configure
gridMET processing and specify its parameters
# Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
# Developed by Research Software Engineering,
# Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
# Author: Michael A Bouzinier
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from dorieh.gis.constants import Geography, RasterizationStrategy
from dorieh.utils.context import Context, Argument, Cardinality
var_doc_string = """
Gridmet bands or variables.
:ref: `doc/bands`
[docs]class DateFilter:
Class, implementing filtering by dates. Primarily used for
debugging and testing purposes to avoid long running calculations.
The condition can be specified in one of the following ways:
- Range: `YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD` only dates falling in the given
range will be accepted. Example: '2009-12-30:2010-01-03' means
that only 5 days between the 30-th of December of 2009 and
January 3, 2010 will be accepted
- Day of Month: `dayofmonth:DD`, example: 'dayofmonth:12' means that
only dates corresponding to the 12-th of every month will be accepted
- Month: `month:MM` only dates in the given month will be accepted
- Month and day of a year: `date:MM-DD`, example: 'date:03-14' means
that only March 14 for each year will be accepted.
def __init__(self, value: str):
self.min = None
self.max = None
self.ftype = None
self.values = []
if not value:
if ':' not in value:
raise ValueError("Filter spec must include ':'")
bounds = value.split(':')
if bounds[0].lower() in ["dayofmonth", "month", "date"]:
self.ftype = bounds[0].lower()
self.values = [v.strip() for v in bounds[1].split(',')]
self.ftype = "range"
self.min = datetime.date.fromisoformat(bounds[0])
self.max = datetime.date.fromisoformat(bounds[1])
[docs] def accept(self, day: datetime.date):
if self.ftype == "dayofmonth":
dom = str(day.day)
if dom in self.values:
return True
return False
elif self.ftype == "month":
mnth = str(day.month)
if mnth in self.values:
return True
return False
elif self.ftype == "date":
dt = day.strftime("%m-%d")
if dt in self.values:
return True
if dt.strip('0') in self.values:
return True
return False
if self.min and day < self.min:
return False
if self.max and day > self.max:
return False
return True
[docs]class Shape(Enum):
"""Type of shape"""
point = "point"
polygon = "polygon"
[docs]class GridmetVariable(Enum):
`GridMET Bands <https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/IDAHO_EPSCOR_GRIDMET#bands>`_
and additional exposure variable types
bi = "bi"
"""Burning index: NFDRS fire danger index"""
erc = "erc"
"""Energy release component: NFDRS fire danger index"""
etr = "etr"
"""Daily reference evapotranspiration: Alfalfa, mm"""
fm100 = "fm100"
"""100-hour dead fuel moisture: %"""
fm1000 = "fm1000"
"""1000-hour dead fuel moisture: %"""
pet = "pet"
"""Potential evapotranspiration"""
pr = "pr"
"""Precipitation amount: mm, daily total """
rmax = "rmax"
"""Maximum relative humidity: %"""
rmin = "rmin"
"""Minimum relative humidity: %"""
sph = "sph"
"""Specific humididy: kg/kg"""
srad = "srad"
"""Surface downward shortwave radiation: W/m^2"""
th = "th"
"""Wind direction: Degrees clockwise from North"""
tmmn = "tmmn"
"""Minimum temperature: K"""
tmmx = "tmmx"
"""Maximum temperature: K"""
vpd = "vpd"
"""Mean vapor pressure deficit: kPa"""
vs = "vs"
"""Wind velocity at 10m: m/s"""
[docs]class OutputType(Enum):
Type of teh output that the tool should produce
aggregation = "aggregation"
data_dictionary = "data_dictionary"
[docs]class GridContext(Context):
Defines a configuration object to process aggregations and other tasks
over data grids
_variables = Argument("variables",
help="Gridmet bands or variables",
_strategy = Argument("strategy",
help="Rasterization Strategy",
valid_values=[v.value for v in RasterizationStrategy])
_destination = Argument("destination",
aliases=['dest', 'd'],
help="Destination directory for the processed files"
_raw_downloads = Argument("raw_downloads",
help="Directory for downloaded raw files"
_geography = Argument("geography",
cardinality = Cardinality.single,
default = "zip",
help = "The type of geographic area over "
+ "which we aggregate data",
valid_values=[v.value for v in Geography]
_shapes_dir = Argument("shapes_dir",
help="Directory containing shape files for"
+ " geographies. Directory structure is"
+ " expected to be: "
+ ".../${year}/${geo_type}/{point|polygon}/")
_shapes = Argument("shapes",
help="Type of shapes to aggregate over",
valid_values=[v.value for v in Shape]
_points = Argument("points",
help="Path to CSV file containing points")
_coordinates = Argument("coordinates",
aliases=["xy", "coord"],
help="Column names for coordinates")
_metadata = Argument("metadata",
aliases=["m", "meta"],
help="Column names for metadata")
_extra_columns = Argument("extra_columns",
aliases=["e", "extra"],
help="Columns with constant values to be added to the output file"
_statistics = Argument("statistics",
help="Type of statistics"
_dates = Argument("dates",
help="Filter dates, can be used "
+ "to paralellize computations "
+ "(e.g., over months) and "
+ "for debugging purposes",
_shape_files = Argument("shape_files",
help="Path to shape files",
_description = Argument("description",
default="Dorieh data model for aggregations of netCDF data",
help="Description to be added to data dictionary"
_table = Argument("table",
help = "Name of the table where the aggregated data will be stored",
type = str,
required = False,
aliases = ["t"],
default = None,
cardinality = Cardinality.single
_output = Argument("output",
help="What the tool should output",
valid_values=[v.value for v in OutputType])
_ram = Argument("ram",
help="Runtime memory available to the process",
def __init__(self, subclass = None, doc = None):
:param doc: Optional argument, specifying what to print as documentation
self.variables = None
Gridmet bands or variables
:type: List[GridmetVariable]
self.strategy = None
Rasterization strategy
:type: RasterizationStrategy
self.destination = None
'''Destination directory for the processed files'''
self.raw_downloads = None
'''Directory for downloaded raw files'''
self.geography = None
The type of geographic area over which we aggregate data
:type: Geography
self.shapes_dir = None
'''Directory containing shape files for geographies'''
self.shapes = None
Type of shapes to aggregate over, e.g. points, polygons
:type: List[Shape]
self.shape_files = None
self.points = None
'''Path to CSV file containing points'''
self.coordinates = None
'''Column names for coordinates'''
self.metadata = None
'''Column names for metadata'''
self.extra_columns = None
'''Columns with constant values to be added to the output file'''
self.dates: Optional[DateFilter] = None
'''Filter on dates - for debugging purposes only'''
self.statistics = None
'''Type of statistics'''
self.description = None
'''Description to be added to data dictionary'''
self.table = None
'''Name of the table where the aggregated data will be stored'''
self.output = None
'''Type of the output the tool should produce'''
self.ram = None
'''Runtime memory available to the process'''
if subclass is None:
super().__init__(GridContext, doc, include_default = True)
super().__init__(subclass, doc, include_default = True)
self._attrs += [
attr[1:] for attr in GridContext.__dict__
if attr[0] == '_' and attr[1] != '_'
[docs] def validate(self, attr, value):
value = super().validate(attr, value)
if attr == self._shapes.name:
return [Shape(v) for v in value]
if attr == self._geography.name:
return Geography[value]
if attr == self._strategy.name:
return RasterizationStrategy[value]
if attr == self._output.name:
return [OutputType[v] for v in value]
if attr == self._dates.name:
if value:
return DateFilter(value)
if attr == self._ram.name:
value = value.strip().lower()
nv = ""
postfix = ""
for c in value:
if c.isdigit():
nv += c
postfix += c
n = int(nv)
m = {
"": 1,
"k": 1000,
"m": 1000000,
"g": 1000000000,
"t": 1000000000000
if m is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid value for RAM: " + value)
value = n * m
return value
[docs]class GridMETContext(GridContext):
Defines a configuration object to process aggregations and other tasks
over data grids containing gridMET data. Includes validation that
a correct gridMET band is provided
# _variables = Argument("variables",
# help="Gridmet bands or variables",
# aliases=["var"],
# cardinality=Cardinality.multiple,
# valid_values=[v.value for v in GridmetVariable])
GridContext._variables.valid_values=[v.value for v in GridmetVariable]
def __init__(self, doc = None):
super().__init__(GridMETContext, doc)
[docs] def validate(self, attr, value):
value = super().validate(attr, value)
if attr == self._variables.name:
return [GridmetVariable(v) for v in value]
return value