Source code for dorieh.platform.dictionary.columns

#  Copyright (c) 2023. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Callable

import sqlparse
import yaml
from sqlparse.sql import IdentifierList, Parenthesis, Function, Identifier
import html

from dorieh.platform.dictionary import RenderMode
from dorieh.platform.dictionary.element import HTML, DataModelElement, qstr, attrs2string, hr, create_graph_envelop
from dorieh.platform.data_model.domain import Domain
from dorieh.platform.dictionary.resdac_crawler import get_resdac_mapping

[docs]def noop(x): return
[docs]class Column(DataModelElement): column_mapping = None def __init__(self, table_name: str, column_block: Dict, mode, describe_column_type: Callable): if isinstance(column_block, dict): for name in column_block: = name super().__init__(column_block[name]) break else: = str(column_block) super().__init__(None) self.qualified_name = table_name + '.' + self.predecessors: Set[str] = set() self.functions: List[str] = [] self.datatype = "string" self.column_type = "" self.expression = [] self.copied = False self.casts = dict() self.requires = [] self.mode = mode self.describe_column_type = describe_column_type if self.block is None: self.predecessors.add( else: if "type" in self.block: self.datatype = self.block["type"] if "source" in self.block: self.expand_macro2() src_block = self.block["source"] if isinstance(src_block, list): for item in src_block: self.predecessors.add(item) elif isinstance(src_block, dict): if "type" in src_block: self.column_type = src_block["type"] if "code" in src_block: self.parse_expr(src_block["code"]) elif isinstance(src_block, str): self.parse_expr(src_block) if "requires" in self.block: req = self.block["requires"] if isinstance(req, list): self.requires = req else: self.requires = [req] if "cast" in self.block: for t in self.block["cast"]: self.casts[t] = self.block["cast"][t] if self.description is None and self.is_in_mapping(): descr = self.column_mapping[].description if isinstance(descr, dict): self.description = descr else: self.description = {"text": descr} if self.reference is None and self.is_in_mapping(): self.reference = self.column_mapping[].url return
[docs] def is_in_mapping(self): return self.column_mapping is not None and in self.column_mapping
[docs] def is_transformed(self): return self.expression or self.casts
[docs] @classmethod def expand_macro1(cls, block: Dict) -> Optional[List[Dict]]: if not isinstance(block, dict): return [block] name = list(block.keys())[0] if '$' in name: x = Domain.parse_wildcard_column_spec(name) if x is not None: prefix, var, values, postfix = x b1 = yaml.safe_dump(block[name]) expansion = [] for v in values: bi = b1.replace(f'${var}', str(v)) b = {f'{prefix}{str(v)}': yaml.safe_load(bi)} expansion.append(b) return expansion return [block]
[docs] def expand_macro2(self): src_block = self.block["source"] if isinstance(src_block, list): original = src_block elif isinstance(src_block, str): original = [src_block] else: return expansion = [] expanded = False for s in original: if '$' in s: var = s[s.find('$') + 1] values = self.block[var] for v in values: expansion.append(s.replace(f'${var}', v)) expanded = True else: expansion.append(s) if expanded: self.block["source"] = expansion return
[docs] def describe_txt(self) -> str: text = f'{} ({self.datatype}) {self.column_type}\n' if self.reference: text += "See: " + self.reference + '\n\n' try: if self.description: if "text" in self.description: text += self.description["text"] + '\n' for key in self.description: if key == "text": continue text += key + ': ' + str(self.description[key]) + '\n' except: print("ERROR:") print(str(self.description)) if self.expression: exp = ';\n'.join(self.expression) text += "\n\n" + exp + '\n' return text
[docs] def describe(self, format: str) -> str: if format == 'html': return self.describe_html() return self.describe_markdown()
[docs] def describe_html(self) -> str: text = "\n<TABLE>\n" text += "<tr>" text += f'<td align = "center" border = "0"><FONT POINT-SIZE="20"><b>{self.qualified_name}</b></FONT></td>' text += "</tr>\n" if self.column_type: text += f'<tr><td align = "center" border = "0"><i>{self.column_type}</i></td></tr>\n' if self.reference: text += f'<tr><td align = "center" border = "0"><i>For more information see: {self.reference}</i></td></tr>\n' if self.description and "text" in self.description: value = html.escape(self.description["text"]) text += f'<tr><td align = "center" border = "0">{value}</td></tr>\n' n = 0 if self.description is not None: for key in self.description: if key == "text": continue value = html.escape(str(self.description[key])) text += f'\t<tr><td align = "left">{key}</td><td align = "left">{value}</td></tr>\n' if n == 0: text += "<hr/>\n" n += 1 if self.expression: if n > 0: text += "<hr/>\n" n = 0 for exp in self.expression: value = html.escape(exp) text += f'\t<tr><td align = "left">{value}</td></tr>\n' for key in self.casts: if n > 0: text += "<hr/>\n" value = html.escape(str(self.casts[key])) text += f'<tr><td align = "left">{key} &rarr;</td><td align = "left">{value}</td></tr>\n' text += "\n</TABLE>\n" return text
[docs] def describe_node(self) -> str: text = "\n<TABLE>\n" text += "<tr>" text += f'<td align = "center" border = "0"><b>{self.qualified_name}</b></td>' text += "</tr>\n" if self.description and "text" in self.description: description = self.description["text"] lines = [html.escape(line) for line in textwrap.wrap(description, width=40)] value = '<br/>'.join(lines) text += f'<tr><td align = "left" border = "0" cellpadding="25">{value}</td></tr>\n' if self.expression: for exp in self.expression: value = html.escape(exp) text += f'\t<tr><td align = "left">{value}</td></tr>\n' if len(self.casts) > 1: for key in self.casts: value = html.escape(str(self.casts[key])) text += f'<tr><td align = "left">{key} &rarr;</td><td align = "left">{value}</td></tr>\n' text += "\n</TABLE>\n" return text
[docs] def describe_markdown(self) -> str: t, c = os.path.splitext(self.qualified_name) c = c[1:] if self.mode == RenderMode.standalone: ext = ".html" elif self.mode == RenderMode.sphinx: ext = ".md" else: ext = "" tpath = os.path.join("..", t) + ext text = f"## Overview of column {c} in table {t} \n\n" text += "| | |\n" text += "| ----------------------------- | ---------------------- |\n" text += f"| Table | [{t}]({tpath}) |\n" text += f"| Qualified name | {self.qualified_name} |\n" text += f"| Datatype | {self.datatype} |\n" ctype = self.describe_column_type(self) if ctype: text += f"| Column type | {ctype} |\n" if self.requires: text += f"| Tables, required for computation | {self.requires} |\n" if self.reference: text += f"| Reference | [{self.reference}]({self.reference}) |\n" text += "\n\n" if self.description and "text" in self.description: text += f"{self.description['text']}\n\n" # Add additional description details as a Markdown table if self.description is not None: keys = [key for key in self.description if key != "text"] if keys: text += "| Key | Value |\n" text += "| --- | ----- |\n" for key in keys: value = str(self.description[key]) text += f"| {key} | {value} |\n" text += "\n\n" if self.expression: text += "\n## Expressions\n\n" for exp in self.expression: if "select" not in exp.lower(): exp = "SELECT " + exp text += "```sql\n" text += f"{exp}\n" text += "```\n\n" if self.casts: text += "\n### Casts:\n\n" text += "| Original type | Cast expression |\n" text += "| ------------- | -------------------- |\n" for key in self.casts: value = str(self.casts[key]) text += f"| {key} | {value} |\n" text += "\n\n" return text
[docs] def html(self, of: str, svg=None): fmt = 'html' body = self.describe(format=fmt) if svg: body += hr(format=fmt) body += f'<object data="{svg}" type="image/svg+xml"></object>' block = HTML.format( title = f"Column {self.qualified_name}", body = body ) with open(of, "wt") as out: print(block, file=out)
[docs] def column_toctree(self, targets: List[str]) -> str: text = "\n```{toctree}\n" text += "---\n" text += "maxdepth: 1\n" text += "hidden:\n" text += "---\n" for target in targets: text += f"{target}\n" text += "```\n\n" return text
[docs] def markdown(self, of: str, svg=None): fmt = 'markdown' body = self.describe(format=fmt) if svg: if self.mode == RenderMode.standalone: body += hr(format=fmt) body += f'<object data="{svg}" type="image/svg+xml"></object>' elif self.mode == RenderMode.sphinx: alt = f"Column {self.qualified_name} Lineage SVG" target = create_graph_envelop(of, alt, svg) body += self.column_toctree([target + ".md"]) body += f"\n```{{figure}} {os.path.basename(svg)}\n" body += ":align: center\n" body += f":alt: {alt}\n" body += f":target: {target}.html\n" body += "\n" body += f"Data lineage for column {self.qualified_name}\n" body += "\n" body += "```\n\n" content = f"# Column {self.qualified_name}\n\n{body}" with open(of, "wt") as out: print(content, file=out) if self.mode == RenderMode.standalone: fhtml = os.path.splitext(of)[0] + ".html" os.system(f"/usr/local/bin/pandoc --from markdown --to html {of} > {fhtml}")
[docs] def to_dot(self, node_id=None, node_label=None, attributes = None): if node_id is None: node_id = qstr(self.qualified_name) if not node_label: node_label = '<' + self.describe_node() + '>' attrs = { "label": node_label, "shape": "box" } if attributes: attrs.update(attributes) t, c = os.path.splitext(self.qualified_name) c = c[1:] cpath = os.path.join("..", t, c) + ".html" attrs["URL"] = qstr(cpath) attrs["target"] = "_blank" return f"\t{node_id} [{attrs2string(attrs)}];"
def __repr__(self): return self.to_dot()
[docs] def parse_expr(self, exp: str): parsed = sqlparse.parse(exp)[0] self.find_all_names(parsed) self.expression.append(exp)
[docs] def find_all_names(self, element): if hasattr(element, "tokens"): n = len(element.tokens) for i in range(0, n): t = element.tokens[i] if str(t.ttype) == "Token.Name": if isinstance(element, IdentifierList) or isinstance(element, Parenthesis): self.predecessors.add(str(t)) elif isinstance(element, Function): self.functions.append(str(t)) elif isinstance(element, Identifier) and hasattr(element, "parent"): if isinstance(element.parent, Function): self.functions.append(str(t)) elif isinstance(element.parent, IdentifierList) or isinstance(element.parent, Parenthesis): self.predecessors.add(str(t)) else: noop(t) else: noop(t) else: self.find_all_names(t) return
def __str__(self) -> str: repr = "Column: " + if self.predecessors: repr += " <= " + ', '.join(self.predecessors) if self.functions: repr += " [" + ', '.join(self.functions) + ']' return repr
[docs]class CMSColumn(Column):
[docs] @classmethod def init_column_mapping(cls): if cls.column_mapping is None: cls.column_mapping = get_resdac_mapping(False, False)
def __init__(self, table_name: str, column_block: Dict, mode, describe_column_type: Callable): super().__init__(table_name, column_block, mode, describe_column_type) self.init_column_mapping()