Source code for dorieh.cms.fts2yaml

#  Copyright (c) 2021. Harvard University
#  Developed by Research Software Engineering,
#  Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Research Computing (FAS RC)
#  Author: Michael A Bouzinier
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Parse utilities for File Transfer Summary (FTS) files generated by SAS.

Tries to recognize a type of a medicare or a medicaid CMS file and
extract metadata


import glob
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Dict

import yaml

from dorieh.platform import ORIGINAL_FILE_COLUMN
from dorieh.utils.fwf import FWFColumn, FWFMeta
from dorieh.utils.io_utils import fopen
from dorieh.platform.pg_keywords import *

MEDICARE_FILE_TYPES = ["mbsf_abcd", "mbsf_ab", "mbsf_d", "medpar"]
'''Known medicare file types'''

    "BENE_ID": [],
    "STATE": ["STATE_CD"],
    "ZIP": ["BENE_ZIP", "ZIP_CD"]

[docs]def mcr_type(file_name: str) -> str: """ Tries to guess medicare file type by its name :param file_name: Name of the file :return: string denoting file type """ for t in MEDICARE_FILE_TYPES: if file_name.startswith(t): return t raise ValueError("Unsupported Medicare file type: " + file_name)
[docs]def width(s:str): """ Parses width of a numeric column as described in FTS file :param s: String from FTS file, describing column width :return: A tuple, with fist element specifying total column width and the second a number of digits after decimal point """ if '.' in s: x = s.split('.') return (int(x[0]), int(x[1])) return (int(s), None)
[docs]class ColumnAttribute: """ Column attribute as read from FTS """ def __init__(self, start:int, end:int, conv): self.start = start self.end = end self.conv = conv
[docs] def arg(self, line:str): try: return self.conv(line[self.start:self.end].strip()) except: pass
def __str__(self): return "[{:d}:{:d}] {}".format(self.start, self.end, str(self.conv))
[docs]class ColumnReader: """ Reads columns section of an FTS file """ def __init__(self, constructor, pattern): self.constructor = constructor fields = pattern.split(' ') assert len(fields) == constructor.nattrs self.attributes = [] c = 0 for i in range(0, len(fields)): l = len(fields[i]) f = constructor.conv(i) self.attributes.append(ColumnAttribute(c, c+l, f)) c += l + 1 self.attributes[-1].end = None
[docs] def read(self, line): attrs = [a.arg(line) for a in self.attributes] return self.constructor(*attrs)
[docs]class FTSColumn: """ Metadata object for a column described in FTS file A column can be either a CSV or fixed width (fwf) column """
[docs] @classmethod def conv(cls, i): """ Conversion function that should be applied to the i-th attribute of a column :param i: attribute ordinal in the column description :return: Callable function """ if i in [0, 4]: f = int else: f = str return f
def __init__(self, order, column, c_type, c_format, c_width, label): self.order = order self.column = column self.type = c_type self.format = c_format self.width = c_width self.label = label self.is_input = True self._attrs = [ attr for attr in self.__dict__ if attr[0] != '_' ] def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(o, FTSColumn): return False if o is self: return True for attr in self._attrs: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(o, attr): return False return True def __str__(self) -> str: return "{:d}: {} [{}]".format(self.order, self.column, self.type)
[docs] def analyze_format(self): if self.format is not None: if self.format[0].isdigit(): fmt = self.format can_be_numeric = True else: fmt = self.format[1:] can_be_numeric = False x = fmt.split('.') if x[0].isdigit(): w = int(x[0]) else: w = None if len(x) > 1 and x[1]: scale = int(x(1)) else: scale = None else: w = int(self.width) if w != self.width: scale = int(str(self.width).split('.')[1]) else: scale = None can_be_numeric = True return can_be_numeric, scale, w
[docs] def to_sql_type(self): """ SQL Type of the column :return: SQL type of the column """ t = self.type.upper() if t in [PG_SERIAL_TYPE]: return t can_be_numeric, scale, wdt = self.analyze_format() if t == "CHAR": return "{}({:d})".format(PG_STR_TYPE, wdt) if t == "NUM": if not can_be_numeric: return "{}({:d})".format(PG_STR_TYPE, wdt) if scale is not None: return "{}({:d},{:d})".format(PG_NUMERIC_TYPE, wdt, scale) return "{}".format(PG_INT_TYPE) if t == "DATE": return PG_DATE_TYPE raise Exception("Unexpected column type: {}".format(t))
[docs] def get_description(self): return { "text": self.label, "original_type": self.type, "width": self.width }
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { "type": self.to_sql_type(), "description": self.get_description() }
[docs] def to_fwf_column(self, pos:int) -> FWFColumn: """ Returns a description of a fixed width (fwf) column required to create a FWF reader :param pos: starting position of the column in a record :return: A descriptor for FWF column """ _, scale, width = self.analyze_format() return FWFColumn( name=self.column, type=self.type, order=self.order, start=pos, width = (width, scale) )
[docs]class AliasColumn(FTSColumn): """ Subclass describing a column not present in the original data but that should be generated in the corresponding database table """ def __init__(self, alias: str, column: FTSColumn): super().__init__(column.order, alias, column.type, column.format, column.width, column.label) = column.column return
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = super().to_dict() d["index"] = True d["source"] = { "type": "generated", "code": "GENERATED ALWAYS AS ({}) STORED" .format( } return d
[docs]class MedicaidFTSColumn(FTSColumn): """ Subclass for a column in medicaid files """ nattrs = 6
[docs]class MedicareFTSColumn(FTSColumn): """ Subclass for a column in medicare files """ nattrs = 7
[docs] @classmethod def conv(cls, i): if i in [0, 4]: f = int elif i in [5]: f = float else: f = str return f
def __init__(self, order: int, long_name:str, short_name:str, type:str, start:int, width, desc:str): super().__init__( order, column=short_name, c_type=type, c_width=width, c_format=None, label=desc ) self.long_name = long_name self.start = start - 1 try: self.end = self.start + self.width except: raise
[docs] def get_description(self): desc = super().get_description() desc["long_name"] = self.long_name return desc
[docs]class CMSFTS: """ Abstract class for Medicaid and Medicare files from dorieh.cms """ common_indices = [ "BENE_ID", ORIGINAL_FILE_COLUMN ] def __init__(self, type_of_data: str): """ :param type_of_data: Can be either `ps` for personal summary or `ip` for inpatient admissions data """ self.table_type = type_of_data.lower() self.table_name = None self.indices = self.common_indices self.columns: List[FTSColumn] = [] = None self.constructor = None self.pattern = None self.metadata = dict() return
[docs] def init(self, path: str): pass
[docs] def read_file(self, f): with fopen(f, "rt") as fts: lines = [line for line in fts] i = 0 column_reader = None for i in range(0, len(lines)): line = lines[i] if line.startswith('---') and '------------------' in line: column_reader = ColumnReader(self.constructor, line) break if ':' in line: x = line.split(':', 1) self.metadata[x[0].strip()] = x[1].strip() continue if 1 > i or i > len(lines) - 2: raise Exception("Column definitions are not found in {}".format(f)) columns = [] while i < len(lines): i += 1 line = lines[i] if not line.strip(): break if line.startswith("Note:"): break if line.startswith("-") and "End" in line: break column = columns.append(column) self.on_after_read_file(columns) if not self.columns: self.columns = columns return if len(columns) != len(self.columns): raise Exception("Reconciliation required: {}, number of columns".format(f)) for i in range(len(columns)): if columns[i] != self.columns[i]: raise Exception("Reconciliation required: {}, column: {}".format(f, columns[i]))
[docs] def on_after_read_file(self, columns: List[FTSColumn]): """ Callback function :param columns: columns read from FTS file :return: nothing """ self.add_file_column(columns)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_record_column(columns: List[FTSColumn]): """ Adds a RECORD column, to uniquely identify a record in the database. A column is of type SERIAL, i.e. auto-incremented :param columns: :return: """ column = FTSColumn( order=len(columns) + 1, column="RECORD", c_type=PG_SERIAL_TYPE, c_format=None, c_width=None, label="Record number in the file" ) column.is_input = False columns.append(column)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_file_column(columns: List[FTSColumn]): """ Adds a column containing the name of original file, from which the data has been read :param columns: :return: """ column = FTSColumn( order=len(columns) + 1, column=ORIGINAL_FILE_COLUMN, c_type="CHAR", c_format="128", c_width=128, label="RESDAC original file name" ) column.is_input = False columns.append(column)
[docs] def column_to_dict(self, c: FTSColumn) -> dict: """ Returns a column as a dictionary object that can be added to YAML data model :param c: a column as parsed from FTS :return: dictionary """ d = c.to_dict() if c.column in self.indices: d["index"] = True if c.column == ORIGINAL_FILE_COLUMN: d["source"] = { "type": "file" } d["index"] = {"required_before_loading_data": True} return d
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns full metadata for the file as a dictionary to be included in the YAML data model used to generate DDL for the corresponding table :return: dictionary """ table = dict() tname = self.table_name \ if self.table_name is not None else self.table_type t = dict() t["columns"] = [ { c.column: self.column_to_dict(c) } for c in self.columns ] t["primary_key"] = for idx in self.indices: if not isinstance(idx, dict): continue if "indices" not in t: t["indices"] = dict() t["indices"].update(idx) table[tname] = t return table
[docs] @staticmethod def v2i(v: str): return int(v.strip().replace(',',''))
[docs] def to_fwf_meta(self, data_path: str) -> FWFMeta: """ Returns metadata required to read the file if it is a fixed width file :param data_path: :return: Metadata as required by FWF reader """ key = "Exact File Record Length (Bytes in Variable Block)" if key in self.metadata: record_len = self.v2i(self.metadata[key]) else: raise AssertionError("Record Length is undefined") key = "Exact File Size in Bytes with 512 Blocksize" fsize = self.v2i(self.metadata.get(key, None)) key = "Exact File Quantity (Rows)" nrows = self.v2i(self.metadata.get(key, None)) pos = 0 columns = [] for c in self.columns: if not c.is_input: continue fwf_column = c.to_fwf_column(pos) columns.append(fwf_column) pos = fwf_column.end return FWFMeta( path=data_path, record_len=record_len, size=fsize, number_of_rows=nrows, columns=columns )
[docs] def print_yaml(self, root_dir: str = None): self.init(root_dir) table = self.to_dict() print(yaml.dump(table))
[docs]class MedicaidFTS(CMSFTS): """ Subclass describing Medicaid data file (usually, CSV) """ medicaid_indices = [ "EL_DOB", "EL_SEX_CD", "EL_DOD", "EL_RACE_ETHNCY_CD" ] def __init__(self, type_of_data: str): super().__init__(type_of_data) self.constructor = MedicaidFTSColumn assert self.table_type in ["ps", "ip"] self.pattern = "**/maxdata_{}_*.fts".format(type_of_data) self.indices += self.medicaid_indices if self.table_type == "ps": year_column = "MAX_YR_DT" = ["MSIS_ID", "STATE_CD", year_column] self.indices += self.indices.append("EL_AGE_GRP_CD") else: year_column = "YR_NUM" = ["FILE", "RECORD"] self.indices += ["MSIS_ID", "STATE_CD", year_column, "RECORD"]
[docs] def init(self, path: str = None): if path is not None: pattern = os.path.join(path, self.pattern) else: pattern = self.pattern files = glob.glob(pattern) for file in files: self.read_file(file) return self
[docs] def on_after_read_file(self, columns: List[FTSColumn]): super().on_after_read_file(columns) if self.table_type == "ip": self.add_record_column(columns)
[docs]class MedicareFTS(CMSFTS): """ Subclass describing Medicare data file (usually, FWF dat file) """ def __init__(self, type_of_data: str): super().__init__(type_of_data) self.constructor = MedicareFTSColumn assert self.table_type in MEDICARE_FILE_TYPES self.pattern = "**/{}_*.fts".format(type_of_data) self.key_columns: Dict[str, Optional[FTSColumn]] = { key: None for key in MEDICARE_KEY_COLUMNS } = ["FILE", "RECORD"] return
[docs] def init(self, fts_path: str): ydir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fts_path)) self.table_name = "{}_{}".format(self.table_type, ydir) self.read_file(fts_path) return self
[docs] def on_after_read_file(self, columns: List[FTSColumn]): super().on_after_read_file(columns) self.add_record_column(columns) self.check_key_columns(columns) self.add_indices(columns)
[docs] def check_key_columns(self, columns: List[FTSColumn]): for column in columns: for key in MEDICARE_KEY_COLUMNS: candidates = [key] + MEDICARE_KEY_COLUMNS[key] if column.column.upper() in candidates: if self.key_columns[key] is not None: raise ValueError( "Duplicate column candidate for " + key ) self.key_columns[key] = column for key in ["BENE_ID", "YEAR"]: if self.key_columns[key] is None: raise ValueError("Missing {} column for {}".format( key, self.table_type )) if self.table_type.startswith("mbsf_ab"): for key in MEDICARE_KEY_COLUMNS: if self.key_columns[key] is None: raise ValueError("Missing {} column for {}".format( key, self.table_type )) return
[docs] def add_indices(self, columns: List[FTSColumn]): p_idx_columns = [] for key in MEDICARE_KEY_COLUMNS: c = self.key_columns[key] if c is None: continue if key in ["BENE_ID", "YEAR"]: p_idx_columns.append(key) elif self.table_type.startswith("mbsf_ab") and key in ["STATE"]: p_idx_columns.append(key) if c.column.upper() == key: self.indices.append(key) elif c is not None: columns.append(AliasColumn(key, c)) self.indices.append({"primary": {"columns": p_idx_columns}})
if __name__ == '__main__': source = MedicaidFTS("ps") source.print_yaml()