Testing bundled workflows

Introduction to testing and prerequisites

Introduction to using workflows with Dorieh can be found in Data Processing Pipelines

Bundled workflows can be tested in two ways:

  1. With a local installation of dorieh package

  2. Using Docker image

Regardless of the option you need to install a CWL implementation. We suggest that You create a Python virtual environment for trying this workflow, or use an existing one. If you are creating a new virtual environment, run the following command:

python3 -m venv $path
source $path/bin/activate

where $path is a path to a directory, that will be created and where the new visualiser environment will reside.

To run the workflow you need to install a CWL implementation. We suggest using Toil. To install Toil just run the following command in your Python Virtual Environment:

pip install "toil[cwl,aws]"

If you would like to test workflows with a local installation of Dorieh, execute this additional command:

pip install dorieh

Before running any test

Tests write significant amount of logs, therefore we recommend running them in a temporary scratch directory.

First, create a scratch directory:

mkdir -p scratch/testxx
cd scratch/testxx

You will also need to create a database connection file, see Managing database connections for details and examples.

Further we assume the following environment variables:

export dbini=${/path/to/database.ini}
export connection=${section_name_in_database.ini}

We also assume that you are using Toil as CWL implementation. If you use a different implementation, you will need to replace toil-cwl-runner command with an appropriate alternative

Testing AQS workflow

Before running the test

Create a scratch directory:

mkdir -p scratch/aqs
cd scratch/aqs

Export environment variables:

export dbini=${/path/to/database.ini}
export connection=${section_name_in_database.ini}

Testing local installation

If you have installed dorieh locally, run the following command

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 0 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_aqs.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/aqs_test.sql \
    --aggregation annual --parameter_code PM25 --table pm25_annual --years 2011 --years 2010    

Testing AQS workflow with DockerRequirement

We will use workflows from src/workflows instead of src/cwl directory.

When testing with Docker, you should remember that commands are executed within a docker container, so localhost refers to a local docker container, not to your local host. If your PostgreSQL is running locally, you need to update your database.ini file.

You might need to replace host with host.docker.internal or

In the virtual environment that has Toil run the following command:

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 0 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/workflows/test_aqs.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/aqs_test.sql \
    --aggregation annual --parameter_code PM25 --table pm25_annual --years 2011 --years 2010    

Testing Airnow workflow

Before running the test

Create a scratch directory:

mkdir -p scratch/airnow
cd scratch/airnow

Export environment variables:

export dbini=${/path/to/database.ini}
export connection=${section_name_in_database.ini}

Testing local installation

If you have installed dorieh locally, run the following command

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 0 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_airnow.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/airnow_test.sql \
    --parameter_code PM25 --table airnow_pm25_2022 --year 2022  \
    --api-key 9B053C38-3C42-416E-A330-203A698CCCDA --from 2022-01-01 --to 2022-08-31

Testing Airnow workflow with DockerRequirement

To test without local installation of Dorieh, using workflow DockerRequirement instead, change two things:

  1. Ensure that docker container can access PostgreSQL server

  2. In the URI for the workflow repalce ‘/cwl/’ with ‘/workflows/’.

The command will be:

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 0 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/workflows/test_airnow.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/airnow_test.sql \
    --parameter_code PM25 --table airnow_pm25_2022 --year 2022  \
    --api-key 9B053C38-3C42-416E-A330-203A698CCCDA --from 2022-01-01 --to 2022-08-31

Testing Climate workflow

Before running the test

Create a scratch directory:

mkdir -p scratch/climate
cd scratch/climate

Export environment variables:

export dbini=${/path/to/database.ini}
export connection=${section_name_in_database.ini}

Testing local installation

There are frequent failure in downloading both datafiles and shapefiles, therefore, here we use option --retryCount 3 to automatically retry failed downloads.

If you have installed dorieh locally, run the following command

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 3 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_gridmet.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/county_rmax.sql \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/county_rmin.sql \
    --dates dayOfMonth:13 --bands rmax --bands rmin --geography county

Testing climate workflow with DockerRequirement

toil-cwl-runner --retryCount 3 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/workflows/test_gridmet.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/county_rmax.sql \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/county_rmin.sql \
    --dates dayOfMonth:13 --bands rmax --bands rmin --geography county

Testing Exposure workflow

Before running the test

Create a scratch directory:

mkdir -p scratch/pm25
cd scratch/pm25

Export environment variables:

export dbini=${/path/to/database.ini}
export connection=${section_name_in_database.ini}

Testing local installation

There are frequent failure in downloading both datafiles and shapefiles, therefore, here we use option --retryCount 2 to automatically retry failed downloads.

If you have installed dorieh locally, run the following command

toil-cwl-runner --reference-inputs --retryCount 2 --cleanWorkDir never --outdir outputs --workDir . \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_pm25_yearly_download.cwl \
    --database ${dbini} --connection_name ${connection} \
    --test_script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForomePlatform/dorieh/main/src/cwl/test_cases/exposures_test_pm25_components.sql \
    --downloads s3://nsaph-public/data/exposures/wustl/ \ 
    --geography county --shape_file_collection tiger --table pm25_components_annual_county_mean \
    --years 2010 --years 2011