Monitoring database activity

Module monitor

Dorieh includes support for monitoring database activity, implemented by the Python module monitor.

The module can be used 3 ways:

  1. As a command line utility to list all processes,currently running in the database

  2. As a command line utility to display details about a specific process running in the database

  3. As a Python API to execute a long-running process in the database with periodically displaying the process status

CLI Usage for monitor

python -m  dorieh.platform.loader.monitor 
   [-h] [--pid PID [PID ...]] [--state STATE] [--autocommit] [--db DB]
   [--connection CONNECTION] [--verbose] [--dryrun]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pid PID [PID ...], -p PID [PID ...]
                        Display monitoring information only for selected
                        process ids, default: None
  --state STATE         Show only processes in the given state, default: None
  --autocommit          Use autocommit, default: False
  --db DB, --database DB
                        Path to a database connection parameters file,
                        default: database.ini
  --connection CONNECTION, --connection_name CONNECTION
                        Section in the database connection parameters file,
                        default: nsaph2
  --verbose             Verbose output, default: False
  --dryrun              Dry run: do not perform any modifications of the
                        database, default: False

CLI uses a standard Dorieh way to retrieve database connection credentials [see Managing database connections].

Using as API

See Example of using the database mounting tool.

In this example we monitor execute a sample process inside PostgreSQL database using a built-in progress logging function. Users can also specify provide their own callbacks.

A custom callback can query DBActivityMonitor instance (monitor in the example) using the following code:

    activity = monitor.get_activity(pid)
    for msg in activity:
        ## do whatever with the given message